You’re here, so I’m guessing you’d like to know a little about me — allow me to indulge. I'm an Executive Producer who's been in the industry for a little while now - 209 months to be exact. And, for better or worse, I LOVE it. I've spent most of my career producing at Boston agencies, but producing projects that have shot all over the country and all over the world.
Most recently, I was the EP on the KFC account at MullenLowe. If you know anything about producing on a QSR (ie, Fast Food) account, you'd know that nothing can faze me. Constantly keeping many plates spinning, under tight budgets and even tighter timelines, all while working diligently to maintain the creative integrity of the overall idea. I'd consider myself highly efficient, detail-oriented and proactive. I enjoy a challenge, and thrive under chaos. Basically anything you throw at me, I can handle it. What I can bring to the table: Great creative thinking, a (sometimes overly) positive attitude, and a few bad jokes (which I have no problem laughing at.)
Aside from work, I’m a mediocre runner, subpar skier, pretty solid mom and a BIG concert fan (I have a spreadsheet.)
Boring Resume-y Stuff found here.
“I can attest to the bad jokes part. Also, the awesome to work with part. Tina Turner had a song that sums up working with her. I just can’t think of the name of it.”
“A truly wonderful producer and an even better human being. Creative, smart, and collaborative - with the sneeze of a tiny church mouse from an animated Disney movie.”
“Carissa is the bomb! A dream producer and a ray of sunshine in a dark edit bay. Anyone would be lucky to have you!”
“Cannot recommend Carissa enough, truly a creative’s producer.”